Institute for Christian Music and Worship


Some of the practical ways in which the activity of the Institute is or will be carried out are:

  1. Through the lectures at the Evangelical Theological Seminary and through the worship program which, in addition to basic theological courses, offers specialization in worship topics, from the theoretical courses of the history of Christian music and worship to practical lessons in individual musical instruments.
  2. Through relevant lectures on worship, art, and creativity outside the academic program.
    Through conferences to gather artists for mutual connection, encouragement, and exchange of experiences in various contemporary topics and problems of Christian art as well as instruction in its biblical foundations.
  3. Through concerts and the possibility of recording original Croatian Christian music to promote it.
  4. Through concerts and exhibitions of various types of musical and visual art to enrich the cultural and spiritual life of the community, but also to provide space for artists for their expression, which then opens the possibility for panels and discussions from other areas, especially theology.