It feels especially warm this cold morning, just before December, because the whole team is eagerly awaiting Christmas, the celebration of Christ’s birthday. And it’s not just through music, scents, or decorations, but also through the attitude and desire for fellowship.
The story begins several Advents ago when our current dean, who was then an external collaborator, intrigued his friends on social media throughout the entire month with cleverly crafted riddles. He would write about them, take photos, and seek help from his followers in solving them. Each answer would lead him to the next person, who had the next riddle or reward. Somehow, we all participated, helped, and rejoiced with him, even though only he received sweets as a reward!
This Advent, our little community at the university has its own riddles—one for each day—with which we will count down the days until Christ’s birth!
Tomorrow, the first riddle will be opened by the dean! What is hidden in the text, and who is the solution? Find out soon!