Opening of the ‘Imaginalia’ Exhibition by Andrada Lolu

“Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” This is how L. Cohen sang in his song Anthem (1992), and similar thoughts were shared by Andrada Lolu, Judita Paljević Kraljik, and Matej Sakač tonight at the opening of […]
Month of Jewish Culture – Art and Faith

When art and faith merge, a space opens up where God’s presence can be felt both physically and spiritually, and the Library Living Room transforms into a gallery, a dance floor, and a tent—a home that unites faiths. Such was last night’s event held in our Veleučilište Library as part of the Month of Jewish […]
Month of Jewish Culture – Lectures

This year, our university is part of the Month of Jewish Culture with three lectures held in our library. The first took place on Thursday, September 5, 2024, when Dr. Grgo Grbešić spoke about the relationship between the Church and the Jews. This was followed by a literary evening with Paula Rem on Communication Between […]
Exhibition “Windows into Beauty” by artist Kristina Hrubik

September is here, enrollments are ongoing – all interested candidates can still apply for our accredited theology program – and while you’re here, visit our Living Room for an exhibition by Kristina Hrubik, a local artist from Ilok. The inspiration for her work is our Creator and His marvelous deeds, for “He made them all […]
Book Promotion: John Piper’s “Don’t Waste Your Life”

We had a great time! Marko Romanjik guided us through the presentation of Piper’s book “Don’t Waste Your Life”, and here’s why Roko and Božica think you should read it: “My answer is joy. To understand the one true joy that we find only in Christ!” — R. Bunčić. “The author teaches us that what […]
Opening of the children’s library at ETVOS!

Yesterday, we opened a corner for the youngest reading enthusiasts – the children’s library of ETVOS! How was it? Great! Lots of children’s joy, laughter, surprises, games, and socializing filled both the large and small libraries of the theological college. Our Melita Špoljarić and Matej Sakač presented two picture books for children: “Karlo and the […]
Lecture by Jerry Root on “C.S. Lewis and the Use of Imagination”

“For the knowledge of God, we need a humble mind – to know God is to be thrilled by Him, to be enveloped in joy that is closest to that of a child!” – Dr. Jerry Root (April 25, 2025, Osijek) Yesterday, Dr. Jerry Root, Emeritus Professor at Wheaton College (USA), and visiting professor at […]
Reading Night at the Library

Reading Night at the University Library! A wardrobe, a lamp, an armchair for the storyteller, and eager little heads ready for adventure – all this was needed for a successful story night, when our library manager Matej Sakač read the story “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” by C. S. Lewis (The Chronicles of […]
New Events at the Library

Last week, our Seminary hosted the opening of an exhibition by Ilok-based artist Kristina Hrubik,, which will remain open to the public for the next few months. The event, titled “Windows into Beauty: Creation and Creativity,” explored this theme through two formats: a conversation with the artist Kristina Hrubik during the exhibition opening and […]
Opening of the Exhibition by Artist Kristina Hrubik

These days, you can visit our Seminary’s library to view the current exhibit, an art collection made from recycled materials, which was officially opened yesterday. Come and see it!
The Academic Tambura Orchestra Strossmayer in the ETV Library

Yesterday, the Academic Tambura Orchestra Strossmayer filled our library with beautiful music! We are grateful for the beginning of the collaboration with the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek, and for the pre-Christmas concert conducted by Marko Sesar. The Academy of Arts and Culture
Chronicles of Advent 2023 at the University of Applied Sciences

It feels especially warm this cold morning, just before December, because the whole team is eagerly awaiting Christmas, the celebration of Christ’s birthday. And it’s not just through music, scents, or decorations, but also through the attitude and desire for fellowship. The story begins several Advents ago when our current dean, who was then an […]