Seminar on Jewish history

On Saturday, May 4, 2024, the Evangelical Pentecostal Church in Osijek and our college hosted around thirty teachers from Croatia, North Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia, and Slovenia who participated in a seminar on Jewish history. The seminar was organized by the non-profit organization Centropa and included an educational tour of significant places related to Jewish history […]

Visit of Jerry Root to ETV

The Evangelical Theological Seminary had the opportunity to host Dr. Jerry Root from April 25th to 29th, 2024. This was his twentieth country where he had taught, and our seminary was the 82nd in the series. Dr. Root’s first lecture was on the topic “C.S. Lewis and the Use of Imagination.” The lecture took place […]

Opening of the children’s library at ETVOS!

Yesterday, we opened a corner for the youngest reading enthusiasts – the children’s library of ETVOS! How was it? Great! Lots of children’s joy, laughter, surprises, games, and socializing filled both the large and small libraries of the theological college. Our Melita Špoljarić and Matej Sakač presented two picture books for children: “Karlo and the […]

Lecture by Jerry Root on “C.S. Lewis and the Use of Imagination”

“For the knowledge of God, we need a humble mind – to know God is to be thrilled by Him, to be enveloped in joy that is closest to that of a child!” – Dr. Jerry Root (April 25, 2025, Osijek) Yesterday, Dr. Jerry Root, Emeritus Professor at Wheaton College (USA), and visiting professor at […]

Erasmus visit to Estonia

Discipleship is service, witnessing, sharing the joy of life with Christ! Yesterday, students were part of a Youth Conference where they shared their experiences of faith and studying in Osijek, and serving at Salem Church, where Erki Tamm, the president of the Union of Evangelical and Baptist Churches of Estonia, preached. They also visited the […]

STEP and ETV “Lega Bog!”

Yesterday was fantastic: we gathered with students from the STEP – Student Evangelical Movement at the first event called “Lega, Bog!” The event took place in our library. It wasn’t easy: our team members Aleksandar Apostolovski, Greg Thellman, and Julijana Tesija spent about two hours (with a coffee break!) answering more than twenty questions from […]

Reading Night at the Library

Reading Night at the University Library! A wardrobe, a lamp, an armchair for the storyteller, and eager little heads ready for adventure – all this was needed for a successful story night, when our library manager Matej Sakač read the story “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” by C. S. Lewis (The Chronicles of […]

New Events at the Library

Last week, our Seminary hosted the opening of an exhibition by Ilok-based artist Kristina Hrubik,, which will remain open to the public for the next few months. The event, titled “Windows into Beauty: Creation and Creativity,” explored this theme through two formats: a conversation with the artist Kristina Hrubik during the exhibition opening and […]

Erasmus – Julijana Tešija as a Guest Lecturer at LCC International University

From February 28 to March 6, 2024, our lecturer and Vice Dean for International Cooperation and Projects, Julijana Mladenovska-Tešija (Julijana Tesija), served as a guest lecturer at LCC International University through the Erasmus program. Julijana delivered lectures in the departments of Theology and International Relations as part of four courses attended by students from across […]

The Ecumenical Prayer Meeting titled “Christ, the Light of the World!”

On February 1, 2024, the second Ecumenical Prayer Meeting titled “Christ, the Light of the World!” was held in the Croatian Parliament, where Christian ministers gathered to pray together for Croatia. The meeting brought together representatives from the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Churches, the Greek Catholic Church, as well as representatives from Evangelical Protestants. The […]