Today, on Reformation Day, October 31, 2023, we remember and commemorate an important historical event that, according to Pastor Damir Špoljarić, should prompt us to pause and reflect on our spiritual state and call upon the Savior to continue transforming us. We are also reminded that reformation, as renewal, does not always mean something new, but rather a restoration of the old and a return to the foundations.
In this context, it is essential to remember that it is God who reforms, and He writes His law in our hearts, renewing us from within, emphasized Pastor Saša Nikolinović from Sarajevo (Jer 3) in his greeting at the Reformation Sunday service.
In the main message, Dr. sc. Dalibor Kraljik, the Dean of ETVOS, reflected on the usefulness of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-4:2) and spoke about the fundamental difference between Scripture and any other human creative work, which lies in the fact that the Holy Word of God is just that: holy and inspired by God! Human works can be inspired by God – for instance, the artist Liviu Mocan created his artistic composition “Five Altars of Revelation” inspired by God, but God’s Word is God’s speech to people, and when He speaks – we listen: sola scriptura. Referring to the Apostle Paul, Kraljik focused on three levels of influence of God’s Word: it teaches us, rebukes us, and directs us. It makes us wiser and teaches us about God’s will and character, His purpose, and plan for salvation, love, and relationship with others; it rebukes us when we want to do things our way – setting standards of behavior we must adhere to; and it corrects us, not adjusting to us but rather restoring us. “In this sense, the Reformation is essentially transformation through training for righteousness,” and God’s pedagogy is a continuous training through which we become more disciplined and mature in living in accordance with God’s will.
Later in the day, a concert titled All the people listened attentively… The Bible and Music was held, featuring Judita Paljević Kraljik (piano), Venessa Kovačević (voice), Roko Bunčić (guitar and voice), Aaron Horvat (piano), David Kotris (violin), as well as members of the EPC Good News and ETVOS who read the Word of God, including Deuteronomy 5:1-6:9; 2 Kings 22:1-23:3; Nehemiah 8; the Gospel of Matthew 5; and the Gospel of John 1. “We are blessed to inherit the history of the Jewish people in the Old Testament, but even more so to be on this side of the cross, knowing the incarnate Word of God,” said Paljević Kraljik.