Dear colleagues and friends of the Evangelical Theological Seminary,
Dear coworkers and students,
In the whole flood of disturbing, sad, and generally bad news from our city, country, and of the world that we hear every day and that constantly overwhelm and flood us, there is one stable, good, joyful, but above all true news that stands as a solid dam for our souls, and it is: “He is risen!”.
Indeed, it is not a myth, nor some kind of fiction, but a real historical event, Jesus Christ, incarnate Son of God, conquered the grave and death. It is the event that happened once and for all, and everyone can have a share in it. The stone was pushed to the side, away from our grave, by the power of Christ’s resurrection and we just need to get out of it by being obedient to His voice that calls us to get out and pass from death to life.
This is the good news that we need to hear, listen to, and receive today. That’s the good news that silences the noise of all the bad news around us. It’s that good news that doesn’t get old like other news, but which is constantly important, because “if, then, we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him. We know that Christ, raised from the dead, dies no more; death no longer has power over him” (Romans 6:8-9).
May this good and true news, the message of the gospel always be a joyful consolation and unshakable hope for you and your family and this Easter as we remember the glorious resurrection of our Lord.
On behalf of the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Osijek and in my own name,
Dr. Dalibor Kraljik,
Dean of the Evangelical Theological Seminary