Erasmus mobility in collaboration with the University of Arad, the Institute for Pentecostal Theology, and Dr. Marcel Valentin Măcelaru, Dr. Daniel Oprean, and Dr. Corneliu Simuț.

Published: May 21, 2024

As part of the Erasmus mobility program and in collaboration with the University of Arad, the Institute for Pentecostal Theology, and mentors Dr. Marcel Valentin Măcelaru, Dr. Daniel Oprean, and Dr. Corneliu Simuț, we are hosting 11 guests from Romania this week, including 9 doctoral theology students.

Today, we organized a joint seminar on Theology in Dialogue with Society, with presentations from our faculty members Dr. David Kovačević, Maja Séguin, and Julijana Tesija. The seminar was attended by other colleagues, professors, and students.

We listened to 14 presentations covering the Old and New Testament, practical and public theology, pedagogy and counseling, missiology, and other fields. Topics discussed included transhumanism and the ethics of Jesus Christ, peacemaking, resistance and Bonhoeffer, the work of the Holy Spirit, Job, Volf and missions with the Tuareg, nationalism, teaching the young and children, and evangelical Christianity that transcends human divisions…

Thanks to everyone for their excellent presentations!

The doctoral students from Romania will be with us for the rest of the week.


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