“Jesus Through the Eyes of Women” – Conversations About the Book at the Evangelical Church in Osijek

Published: May 8, 2024

Eyes on the Lord

Yesterday, May 7, 2024, at 6:00 PM, a discussion on the book “Jesus Through the Eyes of Women” by Rebecca McLaughlin took place at the Evangelical Church Congregation in Osijek. The event was organized by the World Day of Prayer in collaboration with our College. The book was edited by Danijel Časni and Miroslav Balint-Feudvarski, translated by Ivana Balint-Feudvarski, and published by Radosna vijest, Karlovac.

The gathering was first greeted by Pastor Dr. Samir Vrabec, who welcomed the unity and continued cooperation around biblical themes. The author then briefly addressed the audience via video, explaining that the book was born out of a desire to understand how women saw Jesus and how that perspective can help us today in knowing and loving the Lord.

In the ensuing discussion, Julijana Tesija and Brigita Hengl presented various aspects of the book. Julijana spoke about the methodological approach of the author, who uncovers the voices of women through the writings of the evangelists. “These male voices are different in that Mark, Luke, Matthew, and John walked with Jesus, just like the women who are an important part of their writings. The disciples looked at and learned from the teacher and his relationship with people, especially with women, which transcends any established behavioral pattern. Therefore, today we have gospels that bear witness to women who testify about the birth, life, deeds, death, and resurrection of the Lord,” said Julijana. Brigita highlighted the author’s depth, clarity, and relevance, noting how the book not only refers to the biblical text but also draws on science. “The book includes contemporary findings and scientific research on the benefits of faith, making it accessible to readers with various interests. It is a work that can’t be read in one sitting. It opens new perspectives on these women, but also on ourselves, our relationship with God, and with others around us, and it is good to read it slowly,” Brigita pointed out.

In the second part of the event, Brigita and Julijana read an excerpt from McLaughlin’s book titled “The Bitter Cup”. Following this, the discussion about the mother of the sons of Zebedee and Mary, the mother of Jesus, involved the attendees of the event. The pleasant discussion, similar to a book club, continued for some time, and the event concluded with an invitation to continue reading the book together!

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