September is here, enrollments are ongoing – all interested candidates can still apply for our accredited theology program – and while you’re here, visit our Living Room for an exhibition by Kristina Hrubik, a local artist from Ilok.
The inspiration for her work is our Creator and His marvelous deeds, for “He made them all in wisdom” (Ps 104:24). The artist reveals the fingerprints of God in Ilok’s soft earth, in the stars of the sky, plants, and people, transferring these motifs onto her canvases.
Her exhibition “Windows into Beauty” reflects the cycles of human life. Hrubik uses materials that preserve memories of the past: wallpaper and tile fragments from old Ilok houses, glass, reeds, and soil, which she combines with plants, wax, gold, and pigments.
The exhibition is open for a short time only, until mid-next month – don’t miss it!
Kristina Hrubik completed primary school in Ilok and attended the Secondary School of Culture and Art in Vukovar. She then studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava (Slovak Republic), where she earned her master’s degree under the guidance of academic painter Daniel Fischer. After completing her studies, she returned to Ilok and has been teaching art at Julije Benešić Primary School in Ilok and Dr. Franjo Tuđman Primary School in Šarengrad. Through her pedagogical work, her students have won numerous awards at various art competitions. She also leads art workshops for children and adults as part of cultural events in Ilok and Osijek.
The artist’s studio is located in Ilok, J. Benešića 4.