“Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”
This is how L. Cohen sang in his song Anthem (1992), and similar thoughts were shared by Andrada Lolu, Judita Paljević Kraljik, and Matej Sakač tonight at the opening of Andrada’s exhibition in Osijek.
“The ideal world, Imaginalia or Narnia, are places of memory—nonexistent, inner toponyms. There we hide and heal, rediscovering ourselves beyond guilt, freeing ourselves from fear and death. In that world, where we encounter Christ, we feel His power of redemption and new life—that is what my paintings speak about,” said the young artist from Romania, reflecting on her journey through faith and art.
Matej added that for C.S. Lewis, who thought similarly, imagination is also important as a path to God. “It brings us closer to God; through imagination and creativity, we taste true joy and the enduring beauty that is seen through the lens mediated by Christ,” Matej emphasized.
The exhibition will remain open for the next few months. Visit us and enjoy the journey into yourself and towards God with Andrada Lolu.