Undergraduate Study

After completion of the professional study of theology student has:

KnowledgeField of theology
Ability Collecting relevant material for discussion and problem-solving
ApplicationTheoretical theological knowledge in community life
AbilityCommunication of information and ideas needed to solve problems in the church and non-church contexts (environments)
SkillEssential to continue studies at the graduate level

Duration of the program

The program is conducted over the three academic years or over six semesters. Students complete their studies by a defense of their final work. The program is organized as a full time course and as a part time correspondence course.

Total number of ECTS points

The total number of points is 180 ECTS that student acquires by passing: (1) 34 core courses during the six semesters (2) 34 elective courses during six semesters (3) completing professional practice – 4 ECTS, and writing and defending their final work – 8 ECTS.

Academic title received upon completion of the studies

Upon completion of the professional program of theology, the student acquires the title of Baccalaureus or Baccalaurea of Theology with the shortened version Bacc.Theol. Put behind the first and last name.