An accredited undergraduate theology program equips students for church ministry, such as pastors, preachers, religious teachers, evangelists, missionaries, and for social engagement and public service. Students explore the Bible in its original languages, learn about church history, Christian doctrines, Christian life and values, and more. These courses are important for students to apply their knowledge in church and society.
Upon completion of this program, the student earns the professional title of Bachelor of Theology (baccalaureus/baccalaurea).
Extension study allows flexibility for those students who are employed, busy with full-time ministry, or for some other reason cannot commit to coming to the Seminary every day.
Extension students have the same obligations as full-time students, i.e. they have the same course load and take the same courses. Students are required to attend lectures held in “intensive weeks” according to the academic calendar, while other obligations can be fulfilled via the distance learning system.
The seminary will contact you for the submission of additional documents and clarifications if necessary.