Book Promotion: “Making the World Different”

Published: October 17, 2024

As part of Reformation Days, yesterday in the cozy setting of the ETVOS Library, we discussed God’s Word and how it serves as a foundation and guidance for personal growth, growth in community, and care for all of God’s creation. Our additional inspiration came from the book by Dr. David Bookless and his collaborators, recently published by our seminary. The book was translated into Croatian by Speranca Tomin and edited by Dr. Melody Wachsmuth. The conversation was moderated by Julijana Tesija.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Dalibor Kraljik, our dean and lecturer in systematic theology, emphasized that “the diagnosis of the illness of our time is alarming, but that is often the first step toward healing.” The remedy, he continued, is to “build change together, on biblical foundations,” and the beginning of this process involves confronting the ecological crisis. “What we see happening—devastating floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, droughts—this is our reality. It must not lead us to passivity or isolation but motivate us to be part of a positive change out of love and obedience to the Creator,” said Dr. Kraljik.

Dr. Melody Wachsmuth spoke about how the idea to translate and publish this book in Croatian came about, highlighting her personal interest (a deep love for nature and animals, which are as valuable to God as the earth, the universe, and humans He created) and her missional focus. For Melody, “God’s mission is to actively reconcile, redeem, and transform people, cultures, and creation in Jesus Christ until His reign is fully established.” God calls His Church to actively participate in “His holistic mission,” which has not changed since the very beginning. “God is continually working on reconciliation, healing, and the restoration of all creation,” Dr. Wachsmuth added.

Dr. Bookless’s book is divided into three parts. The first highlights the (alarming) realities of the disappearance of plant and animal species, severe climate change, new diseases, increasing global poverty, inequality, and political extremism. The second part speaks about the Bible as a text that teaches us about God’s love, wisdom, and care, as well as His invitation to us to participate in this work. The third part provides examples from around the world of how the Church “lives out the great biblical story” and participates in God’s mission.

The book is available in our library: read it, be inspired, and let us all take action together—right where we are!

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