All first-year, degree-seeking applicants, are eligible to be considered for merit scholarship!
All applicants for admission are automatically considered for the scholarship program provided that they submit a complete admission application by July 15th. In addition to the completion of the existing student application form and standard necessary documents, all candidates need to fill out the scholarship application form including a written personal testimony of their Christian faith. In addition, undergraduate candidates are required to write a brief topical essay and graduate candidates are required to write an essay and provide a sample of previous academic writing.
These scholarships are given to 5 incoming undergraduate and 5 graduate students and equal full tuition.
All scholarship recipients are expected to maintain satisfactory academic progress.
Candidates can be accepted as students at this time even if they do not win the scholarship award (if, for example, more than 5 applicants apply for the scholarship, or not enough candidates sufficiently fulfill the criteria). Such students may still apply for need-based financial aid.
Eligibility for the merit-based scholarships:
i. Candidates must apply and be accepted as new students.
ii. Candidates may apply as resident (redovni) or non-resident (izvanredni) students.
iii. The program is open to both national and international candidates.
iii. Candidates must be able to study in Croatian or English at the undergraduate level. At the graduate level candidates must be able to study in English and must provide official test scores in the scholarship application or pass a ETS competency exam before the application deadline.
iv. Candidates must declare their intention to finish the program at a full-time (3 years undergraduate; 2 years graduate) or half-time (6 years undergraduate; 4 years graduate) pace.
Determination of Award Winners
1. Academic ability and previous performance >> academic recommendation, official transcripts of all previous studies; appropriate test scores
2. Christian commitment and service >> pastoral recommendation, report of ministry related activities and personal statement of faith, interview
3. Personal integrity and values >> general recommendations, personal statement of faith, interview
4. Leadership ability and potential >> recommendations, overall application profile, interview.
Scholarship Renewals and Criteria for Maintenance
Scholarship recipients can maintain their awards into their successive years of study (based on their declared intention for full-time or half-time completion) up to graduation by remaining in good academic standing and in good standing overall as a student of ETS.
Academically, scholarship recipients will be expected to maintain a 4.0 / 5.0 grade point average and complete all courses in their year of study (according to the full-time or half-time plan). The student may carry over one subject into the next year, but in that case they must pay for that course according to the listed ETS tuition at that time (currently 15 Euro per ECTS point).
In addition, scholarship students will be expected to maintain active membership and regular attendance in a local church and regularly participate in student chapel and prayer services, as well as other spiritual and academic events required of students.
The scholarships may be revoked in the following cases:
i. Failure to maintain a 4.0 grade point average.
ii. Failure to complete more than one course (according to the full or half time plan) in a given academic year.
iii. If the student comes under disciplinary procedure according to ETS regulations
iv. If the student incurs debts with the institution that remain unpaid.
v. Failure to participate in required student events, chapel and prayer services, or to maintain active membership in a local church.
vi. Dismissal from the institution for any reason.
Students who fail to maintain requirements due to extraordinary circumstances such as severe health issues, may make a special appeal to the ETS board to defer their scholarship.
Link: Apply!
Link: scholarship form